Friday 23 October 2015



 Jesse Shand, 28, harassed people online from the safety of his mother’s home in an attempt to feel better about his colossal weight gain.
But when he began to troll bodybuilders on an online forum they demanded he show a picture of himself – and his life changed forever.
Instead of giving Jesse a taste of his own medicine the bodybuilders gave him tips on how to get in shape - beginning with just sitting in a chair and flailing around.
 Jesse used to weigh more than 50 stone and sit at home abusing people online all day.
 He said: “Some of the members started trying to talk me into believing I could lose weight.
“I had hundreds of excuses but they won’t accept any of them.
“I said I was too fat to exercise but they said I could just sit in my chair and flop around to lose weight.
“So that’s what I did – it was my first ever workout and by the time I was done I was tired and sweaty but it worked."
 He is saving up some money,to get his excess skin removed.
Jesse has now lost 400 pounds (eight stone) but has another 40 pounds of loose skin. See more after photos below

He said: “I loved eating fast food, take outs and I’ve always had a sweet tooth - chocolate is a craving I still struggle with.
Health: Jesse ended up taking inspiration from the bodybuilders
“Now I just eat enough calories to make sure I can support all my exercise.”
Jesse, who lives in Michigan in the USA, now attends the gym five times a week and has completely turned his back on junk food.
He has also turned his back on trolling and realizes the hurt he caused others.
Weight loss: He lost more than half his body weight
He said: “I would target anyone for my trolling, if someone was upset about a break up I might talk a lot about how great it is to be in a relationship.
“I was just doing anything I could do to further upset someone who was already devastated.
Reformed: Jesse Shand with his mother Coreen outside their home in Novi, Michigan
“It made me kind of get a laugh and feel better about my situation.
“I wanted to force my misery onto someone else – it meant I didn’t have to think about my own terrible situation.”
“My life started to turn around after trolling the bodybuilders."

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