Thursday 29 October 2015


In a recent chat with Genevieve Magazine Nollywood actress Omoni Oboli narrated how she met ger husband  Nnamdi Oboli.
Read what she said:
"He had been trailing me, but he couldn’t find me (four years after a brief meeting), until a friend of found me and told me he was looking for me. I found out later that he had given up the search a long time earlier because he thought that I deliberately given him wrong information. The accommodation I had at first outside the campus turned out to be a male hostel and I had to move out.
When he came calling, I had moved out! If it were you, what would you think? The girl has “posted” you, right? Anyway, he found me and came immediately to see me. He then disappeared for some months, and when he appeared again , we started dating, and two weeks later he proposed!
It was a funny proposal. You know when you have those conversations with a guy, and he keeps on mentioning things like, “if we were married, do you think it would be good to do this or to do that?” or “our children would be beautiful”. So I stopped him one time and said, “Wait a minute!” All this “if we were married or our children this, or our home that, what exactly are you saying?” Are you asking me to marry you?” Then he asked me to marry him, and of course I didn’t hesitate to say yes!
As my husband said, most men know what they want in a shorter time than they try to make out. My husband has never been the kind of man to wait for what he want; if wants something he goes for it. And his confidence and likability made it easy for me to love him right back and commit so quickly. He basically ran me over with his love."

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