Sunday 18 October 2015


 A kind-hearted mum-of-two has become the first person in Britain to donate a kidney to a stranger after a Facebook appeal.
Louise Drewery was moved to help after spotting the plea on behalf of Stacey Hewitt, who was suffering kidney failure.
Stacey’s dad Darren Hewitt posted on facebook: “Is there anyone out there that would like to donate a kidney to help my daughter?"
The successful transplant is believed to be the first ever live organ donation in Britain to have been through social media.
Stacey, from Redcar, suffered from chronic kidney disease and faced a lifetime on dialysis without a transplant.
The 26-year-old, mum to three-year-old Alfie, found herself in a constant state of tiredness and could only walk short distances as her kidneys failed.
Family and friends, including her mum and dad, were not suitable matches for a transplant.
Stacey Hewitt received a kidney from a total stranger after a Facebook appeal
Kind stranger Louise was sipping wine with husband Nigel when she spotted the post on facebook and reached out to help.
After a long 13 months of tests, doctors said Louise was a suitable match to donate a kidney to Stacey.
Kind- hearted Louise said: "People ask me if it's for family or a friend, but they're shocked when I say it's for a total stranger."
But as the operation loomed, she began to worry if she was making a big mistake.
"My biggest fear was not waking up and my kids being without a mum, when the reason I'm doing this is so another child isn't living without a mum," she added.
Luckily, the procedure was a complete success and the pair were quickly on the mend.
Thanking her helpful stranger, Stacey said: "It's amazing and I can't thank her enough. She could have backed out at any moment - it takes a lot of guts to give an organ to someone you don't know."
The original Facebook post from Stacey's dad Darren Hewitt read: "Good evening ladies and gents, is there anyone out there that would like to donate a kidney to help my daughter? Courageous Louise Drewery was having a glass of wine with her husband (Nigel) when she spotted the facebook appeal.
"She has kidney disease and needs a transplant as soon as possible.
"Myself and my wife have had tests but are not able to donate due to different blood groups and low function in our kidneys.
"She is the mother of our three-year-old grandson and finds it hard to function properly because of the illness.
Just six people gave a kidney in 2007/2008, but in the last two years over 100 people have donated in this way .
Stacey Hewitt, kidney recipient had chronic kidney disease and without a transplant would have become very sick and require a lifelong dialysis.
Thank God for Louise.

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