Friday 18 December 2015

LOL!!!!!!Little girl mistakes a shopper for Santa and he plays along

A little girl was out shopping with her father when she noticed a white bearded man pass by, she quickly assumed it could only be one person - Santa .
The clip starts with the little girl staring at the man, known only as Roger.
He kneels down and asks her who she thinks he is.
"She said :"Santa? I've been called a lot worse."
"Santa" then asks the youngster if she's been a good girl &  if she's getting ready for Christmas. she told him she's going to leave out some cookies for him.
he asks: "Can I eat them all?"
"You have to share," comes the reply.
The conversation ends with Santa wishing the girl a Merry Christmas.
The clip was filmed in an unknown US supermarket and has been viewed almost 80,000 times since being posted on YouTube yesterday.

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