Saturday 14 November 2015


According to Hollywood life:
Pope Francis has spoken out on the deadly Paris terrorist attacks which killed more than 120 people, calling the seemingly coordinated events a ‘piecemeal third world war.’
See his full comments.
“This is not human,” Pope Francis , 78, said on Nov. 14, hours after multiple acts of terror struck Paris the night before, killing more than 120 and injuring as many or more . The Pope spoke via telephone to try and make sense of the tragedy, going on to say he thinks this, and other global horrors, are part of a kind of third world war, being fought “piecemeal.”
“There is no justification for such things, neither religious nor human,” Pope Francis said in a phone call with TV2000, the Italian Bishop’s conference TV station, speaking about the terrorist attacks in Paris. “This is not human,” he added.
Asked whether he believed these horrific attacks were amounting to a third world war, the Pope responded that he believes they are “a piece” of a “piecemeal World War III.” That is such a terrifying thought and Pope Francis, like us, is just as stirred by the notion. “I am moved and I am shaken,” he said.
Also like most of us, the Pope is struggling to make sense of what happened on Nov. 13, and acknowledged the senselessness. “It is difficult to understand such things, done by human beings,” he said.
Now, Pope Francis is primarily focusing on is positivity and prayer for those affected by this tragedy. He said he is praying for the victims’ families, and all of France. “I am close to the people of France, to the families of the victims, and I am praying for all of them,” he said. “I am moved and I am saddened. I do not understand, these things are hard to understand.”
This whole tragedy is sickening, and we continue to send prayers to Paris and all those affected.

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